Sunday, November 15, 2015

20 Inspirational Quotes of Oprah Winfrey


"The greatest secret in life is no such thing as the greatest secret. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you want to work." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"If you believe that you can only go so far, that the obstacles you." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Do not make a sound. Part of your responsibility is to respect the tranquility inside you so that you can listen to the call." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"The challenge is a blessing that force us to look for a new center of gravity. Do not fight it. Look for a different way of being." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Whatever you fear does not have power. The fear is you who have the power." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"You will get what you want in life. Continue your ascent." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"You can learn from every experience you. And you can not be defeated if you survive." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"I do not believe in coincidence." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Each of us is responsible for our own lives - nobody else can do it." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Energy is the essence of life. Every day There is deciding how you will use it by knowing what you want and what you need to achieve that goal, and to stay focused on that." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"I know for sure that what you give will come back to you." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"You were not born to shrink less, but to grow bigger. The right to choose your own path is a sacred right. Take advantage." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Passion is energy. Feel the strength that comes when you focus on what makes you happy." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"All I know, if you do a job you love, and that satisfy you, others will follow. And I strongly believe that the reason I was successful financially is because I have never once focused my attention on the money." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Listen to your feelings. Way to find out why you are there is through your feelings." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"You can just pursue a profession because your parents said it was the best. You can just pursue a profession because you think you can make a lot of money. You can just pursue a profession because you think you will get a lot of attention. All was not helpful for you if you are not honest with yourself." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"Would you work for free? I am willing to do it, and take on extra jobs just to make ends meet me if no one is paying me. That's how you know you are doing the right thing." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"All I know is that if you want to succeed, you should not make the success of your goals. The important thing is, do not think you need to be successful, but it is better to work for you to be a mean person - and success will naturally follow." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

"You will become what you believe in. You are in your current position because of all the things that you believe." - Oprah Winfrey ~ (Founder Harpo)

Quotes by: HUGE QUOTE

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