Sunday, November 8, 2015

23 Motivational Quotes of Donald Trump


"Always keep your self." - Donald Trump

"Come in, do, do it right, and get out." - Donald Trump

"If anyone challenges you, face. Please play rough or cruel act, essentially, beat them." - Donald Trump

"In making the deal my attitude is quite simple and without straightforwardly. I'm aiming for the purpose of full height and then continually trying to achieve what I pursue it. Sometimes, I get less than what I was looking for, but generally I won what I want." - Donald Trump

"You should not be afraid. Do any of your business, do not give up, faced with courage, and whatever happens, happens." - Donald Trump

"In my experience, if you fight hard for something you believe in - even if it means having to get rid of some people - usually will go well in the end." - Donald Trump

"The most important thing in life is to love what you do, because it's the only way you achieve excellent results in your work." - Donald Trump

"Without passion, you do not have passion, without passion, you do not have anything." - Donald Trump

"Money is not the main motivation for me, except as a way to score. The pleasure lies in the actual game." - Donald Trump

"I like to think a great thing. I always do it. Well, if you want to think, you should also think about a big thing." - Donald Trump

"Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your instincts, no matter on paper everything looks so good." - Donald Trump

"Most people think of small things because they are afraid of success, fear of making decisions, fear of winning. And it gives people like me a huge advantage." - Donald Trump

"If you try to print a home run in every throw, you may have also experienced a strike out. I tried to keep myself not exposed, even if it means sometimes I just reach third base, second, or even, in rare cases, first." - Donald Trump

"If you want to sell a car and spend five dollars to wash and clean it up and then slightly polish it, you will see that you can attach an additional price of four hundred dollars, and managed to sell it." - Donald Trump

"If you want to buy something, you definitely want to convince the seller that the goods it sells are not that expensive." - Donald Trump

"Sometimes, it's good to be a little wild." - Donald Trump

"I Saxon asking everyone's opinion before I make a decision. I ask, ask and ask until my instincts say something. And that's when I make a decision. What I got from a random survey I did myself much more than I get of the largest consulting firms." - Donald Trump

"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to any change in his destiny." - Donald Trump

"What I most admire are the ones who are always frank." - Donald Trump

"I'm not in the business for the money. I've got quite a lot of money, much more than I need. I'm in business to do business." - Donald Trump

"Look, listen, and learn, you can not possibly know everything alone. Anyone who considers himself as it would be the one who is mediocre." - Donald Trump

"If you do not tell people challenge your success, they probably will not know it." - Donald Trump

"Make your workplace more fun." - Donald Trump

Quotes by: HUGE QUOTE

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