Saturday, October 31, 2015

8 Inspirational Quotes of Henry Ford


"There are two kinds of fools in the world. One is a millionaire who thinks with hoards of money he could achieve real power, and the second is reformist poor who thought if he could take the money from a certain group and give it to other groups, all sickness in the world will relieved. " - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"Whatever I do, I'll do my best. And I know no matter what happens in my life, it happens for the good of my own. I believe in God." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"The world is full of ideas. They are constantly pounding your head. You just need to know what you want, then forget about it and start working. Suddenly an idea will emerge. He was there all the time." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"Thinking is the hardest work, and maybe that's the reason why so few people do it." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"Schools do not teach what would happen in the world next year." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"The purpose of life is to work, gain experience, and find happiness. There is joy in work. That can be done only money to pay someone else to do our job. We just feel happy when we have achieved something." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"There is no such thing had no chance." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

"Never complain. Never argue." - Henry Ford ~ ​​(Founder of Ford Motors)

Quote by: HUGE QUOTE
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Friday, October 30, 2015

18 Motivational Quotes of Andrew Carnegie


"This is the main condition and the great secret of success: Concentrate your energy, thoughts, and your capital only on the business you are in. After starting out in the field, round determination to strive in that field, and to be at the forefront; receive any repairs, use the best equipment, and mastered as well as possible. " -
Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"People who are mediocre only devote 25% of energy and ability to work. World lifting caps on those who devote more than 50% of their capacity, and bowed to the very few people who devote 100%." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Success can be achieved in any field. Always there are opportunities in every search. Pour the entire mind and energy on the performance of your duties." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"People who can not motivate themselves must be satisfied with the results mediocre, no matter how impressive their other talents." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"There has been little success in a bit of a giggle." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Nobody is going to be a great leader if he wants to do everything alone, or would like to get all the credit for the work." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Take the highest goal." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Imagine you are on the verge of success second to none. A life that is full, clear and brilliantly unfolds before you. Achieve it! Achieve it!" - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Concentrate all the energy, thoughts and your capital ... The wise man puts all its eggs in one basket and keep an eye on the basket." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Nobody can get rich without enriching others." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"People who gain the ability to fully owns his own mind will have other things rightful possession." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"I believe that the true path to the highest success in any field is to make yourself master that field." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"People who can not use common sense is a fool. That will not do is implacable. That did not dare to do it is a slave." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Every action you take birth because you want something." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Am I in any field, should I elaborated with the best." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"It is the mind that makes the body rich" - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Successful people are those who have chosen the field and concentrate on the field." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

"Concentration is my motto - first honesty, then industry, then concentration." - Andrew Carnegie (founder of Carnegie Steel)

Quotes by: HUGE QUOTE 
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